Keeping it real...the REAL organizing method

   Every day I wake up and try to think about what I could do that would make a statement of life or a statement of joy to someone Else!
I need to go through my collections...I need to go through my piles of art supplies ... and only keep the things that I can still use or be helpful to me in the future (or bring me Joy)
Does anybody else go through this ? 

I get excited about something and then I get everything that I need to go with it and I make a little bit of it and then I'm like "squirrel "..I get bored..and then I move onto the next project ! Lol
100s of things.. 

Sometimes I feel like I am filling a hole by making art... it really helps me get in touch with my feelings. And
I'm currently reading the famous organizing Kon Marie book..
 But but but..
.... I'm at a standstill... 
It's not that I dont Want to do it.. 
Im just exhausted by the THOUGHT of it! 
The clothes were a big deal... 
I did it.. Done.. Check mark ...
But now I'm on to the books and magazines.. And I just LOVE them soooo much!! 
This will be hard.. But I'm moving forward.. Trying at least.. 
Here is what I would rather be doing;

I'd rather make a movie as an art project.. 
Or watercolor paint for 9 hrs straight.. 
Or actually READ for an entire week! 
(That's an idea!!) 
I'm a super duper procrastinator ...I admit it… Maybe Mondays just arent meant to clean and purge.. right?

See yah later.. This is what's in front of me.. I'm diving in! To enjoy!! Xoxox Kiki
