Every day I wake up and try to think about what I could do that would make a statement of life or a statement of joy to someone Else!
I need to go through my collections...I need to go through my piles of art supplies ... and only keep the things that I can still use or be helpful to me in the future (or bring me Joy)
Does anybody else go through this ?
I get excited about something and then I get everything that I need to go with it and I make a little bit of it and then I'm like "squirrel "..I get bored..and then I move onto the next project ! Lol
100s of things..
Sometimes I feel like I am filling a hole by making art... it really helps me get in touch with my feelings. And
I'm currently reading the famous organizing Kon Marie book..
But but but..
.... I'm at a standstill...
It's not that I dont Want to do it..
Im just exhausted by the THOUGHT of it!
The clothes were a big deal...
I did it.. Done.. Check mark ...
But now I'm on to the books and magazines.. And I just LOVE them soooo much!!
This will be hard.. But I'm moving forward.. Trying at least..
Here is what I would rather be doing;
I'd rather make a movie as an art project..
Or watercolor paint for 9 hrs straight..
Or actually READ for an entire week!
(That's an idea!!)
I'm a super duper procrastinator ...I admit it… Maybe Mondays just arent meant to clean and purge.. right?
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