Stacks Stack And more Stacks! Stack love!

I walked around my bedroom... room... and @the studio...
I have too many Stacks!! 
I kNow I Know.. but I love to have them around me where ever I sit! 
Journals... and more Journals!! ( No they are not Full! ) That is another story!  
I never finish....
I dont know why, but I love the start of a NEW Fresh 
EMPTY Journal...
And then.......I just move on,,, 
Alot of my collection of STACKS
Contain books ...
I am currently reading around 100...
( She grins Sheepishly) 
And the rest is ephemera to actually USE in artwork! 
Well there you go.. Have a lookie: 
Thats my story and Im sticking to it! 
Come find me on face book..

 Now THERE is a messed up stack o mine! 

Vanessa Karin Johanning


  1. Hey! I didnt even show the ones under the bed!! Hee hee!


  2. I find each and every photo very inspiring. Must be great to see in person.

  3. Thanks Seth!! So glad you stopped by!! ( Quite Honored in fact!! ) ..... Its my Junque but I love it all! ........

  4. thats a lot of stacks! love the colorful abundance...made me smile!

  5. So much inspiration stacked in your photos. Gorgeously interesting!! Keep smiling and creating...and reading

  6. Different stacks on each photo.. ohmy, you indeed must love stacks! Thanks for sharing, I had fun looking at all your stacks!

  7. oh man...i want to go through your stacks

  8. i would love to look inside those books!

  9. WOW!!
    You are are "stackoholic" :]
    Lovely stacks... what fun here.

  10. Anonymous9/21/2011

    Great, abundant, colorful, happy stacks. xox

  11. I see a splash of blue in all your stacks!

  12. I think you like blue :)
    Glad to see there are so many others with more than one "stack" in their rooms!

  13. Wow - you have surrounded yourself with stacks of creativity!

  14. my what big stacks you have!! wonderful!!

  15. Anonymous9/21/2011

    Great stacks - how wonderful!!

  16. what a lot of wonderful and colorfully inviting stacks!!!

    Stack On

  17. I SO admire your candor! The earth could use more dear souls like you! You just let all your stacks hang out girl and I respect that more than you imagine! So T H A N K Y O U!!!! for being 100% authentic 'cause my 'real' stacks are still in the closet....gulp.

  18. Anonymous9/21/2011

    how amazingly fun -- you are stacked indeed! (sorry if that sounds bad) i love all of your wonderful stacks of books and treasures. such fun stuff!!

  19. I love your authenticity. I am impressed by all those books. Stacks and more stacks stack up to one super post!

  20. No kidding! I feel so relieved to know I'm not alone in stack-world! Such a varied assortment of fun and color and textures and love for stacks! I salute your passion!

  21. Great stacks! Thanks for the "tour". There is so much here that is feminine and inspiring!

  22. Love ALL of your stacks! You must have as many different creative interests as I do. :) Love your use of color as well. You use aqua and pink quite a bit and it's so lovely!

  23. Anonymous9/30/2011

    What a great stack of stacks! They look so yummy, I want to come play in them. Love the color combinations, too--and the heart-shaped journal!

  24. Anonymous9/30/2011

    What a great stack of stacks! They look so yummy, I want to come play in them. Love the color combinations, too--and the heart-shaped journal!

  25. Stacks, stacks, and more beautiful stacks!


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