Well Summer is well on its way!
I have learned so much this year in my own backyard .... It is sort of a trial, and Collectors Garden, But it works for me!
Its a great place to relax and watch:
~~~The Humming bird show!
Thats is what we call it when 3-4 sweet tweets are zooming around the
Garden... I am truly fascinated by it all!
I have never seen so many at my own
I swear it has to be the new additions to the yard:
Which include: ALOT OF RED FLOWERS!!!
There... I said it!
This was such a no-no for me in the years past... I was just never a red flower type! (If you know what I mean! )
Well now I am hooked! everything from Lucifer, to cardinal flowers... my trumpet vine is still a big attraction too!
It just tickles Me !
As I always say! :
There is also a humming bird voyeur video at the bottom of this post...
My puppy 'Versace" Got all excited seeing the cute little bird visitor at my kitchen window...she went crazy! sorry for her rudeness! LOL (Bark Bark!)
I have taken over 1250 pictures in the last two weeks ... so Here are just a few!
Come and take a little garden tour with me!
you have some great shots of the hummers....